You know the math. Every $1 million in new lending closed as a result of the Nexus technology means $10,000 incremental net income to the average credit union. For every 10,000 members you have, 8,000 of them have a loan somewhere else. It all comes down to how many of those do you want.
Know thy member.
Surprise your members with insights that they won't believe you know. Everything about your credit union would be better if you knew which competitors had your members' loans, deposits, etc.
Knowing what the competition is delivering to your members is an unprecedented level of visibility that is now available to credit union. The competition does not have it. They will never see you coming.
During strategic planning, do you already know the total amount of business that your members could be doing with your credit union? With Nexus Intelligence you would.
Due diligence on an acquisition is tough. The target usually knows more than the acquirer. No longer. With Nexus Intelligence, the power is now in the Acquirer's hands. Know every loan the target's members have--not only at the target but also at every one of its competitors.
Nexus Intelligence
1380 West Paces Ferry Road, NW, Suite 1285, Atlanta, GA 30327
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